Arrgghh! So late with this post. I wanted to write it the same day I came home, but I was tired and I had to unpack and then I was busy the next day, and the next... and you get the idea.
Well, anyway. Last weekend was the Hershey CATS or the Stitching Festival or whatever they're calling it at this particular moment. I drove there on Thursday with Chelly along for the ride and also being my roomie. We both pretty much threw caution to the wind and let our hair loose. I had decided that I was only going to watch my diet so much. I was going to Chocolatetown, USA after all! Here is what we had for lunch on the way down.
We arrived at the Hershey Lodge with just enough time to throw our stuff in our room and hit the merchandise mall to get a lay of the land. My initial impression was not good. It seemed a bit smaller than in previous years and I didn't see anything new that grabbed my attention. Ah well, I was here for rest and relaxation.
Dinner was pizza at the sportsbar in the Lodge. MMMM, that hit the spot!

The next morning, after a short run, I bumped into the rest of the MetroStitchers at the breakfast buffet. Fortified with chocolate pancakes, I ran back to the room to take a quick shower, and came back down to give the Merchandise mall a thorough walk through. Let me just say, I managed to do some financial damage! Stuff just kept leaping into my totebag. It's amazing how small purchases all over the place can add up to so much money.
Friday night, after dinner, the MetroStitchers had our traditional show and tell. This allows everyone the chance to see what we bought and gives us one more day in the mall to pick up those things we didn't notice. 

Saturday, Chelly and I hit the outlet mall in town. I found an underwear store where I spent mucho dinero (I have to stay out of the underwear store) We also got matching running outfits for our race on Oct 9.
Sunday, on the way out of Hershey, we stopped at the Gardens for some photo opportunities. 
Overall, it was a pretty good weekend. I enjoyed getting to see all my friends and picking up a needle again. I hadn't stitched in quite some time and forgot how much I like it. Will have to make time between everything else going on in my life. |