Terrier tracks: September 2005

Terrier tracks

Personal Records
  • 1 mile - 7:20 - October 11, 2008 - St Clement Long Stride - Jamaica, NY
  • 5k - 25:35 - June 1, 2008 - FPYC 25 Furlongs (5k) Race - Floral Park, NY
  • 4 miles - 33:32 - December 3, 2006 - Fly With the Owls 4 mile Run - Lynbrook, NY
  • 5 miles - 42:50 - Apr 27, 2008 - Alley Pond 5 Mile Challenge - Alley Pond Park, Queens, NY
  • 10k - 55:11 - May 19, 2007 - Healthy Kidney 10k - Central Park, NY
  • 15k - 1:39.28 - March 11, 2007 - Colon Cancer Challenge 15k - Central Park, NY
  • 10 miles - 1:38.28 - May 25, 2008 - Long Beach Trophy Run 10M - Long Beach, NY
  • Half Marathon - 2:05.48 - July 27, 2008 - NYC Half Marathon - New York, NY
2009 Races
  • Feb 21 - GLIRC 3 x 2 Trail Relay - 17:20 for my 2 mile leg
  • Mar 1 - Coogan's Salsa, Blues & Shamrocks 5k - 26:29
  • Mar 15 - John Corrigan 4 x 2 Relay - 16:21 for my 2 mile leg
  • Apr 11 - Scotland Homecoming 10k - 56:37
  • Apr 26 - Alley Pond 5 Mile Challenge - 47:44
  • May 16 - Healthy Kidney 10k - 57:13
  • May 27 - LIRRC Summer Series 5k - 27:17 - 1st in Age
  • May 30 - Japan Day 4M - 35:28
  • June 7 - Mini 10k - 57:31
  • June 10 - LIRRC Summer Series 5k - 26:57 - 3rd in Age
  • June 24 - LIRRC Summer Series 5k - 27:18
  • July 1 - LIRRC Summer Series 5k - 27:30 - 1st in Age
  • July 4 - Oakdale Firecracker 5k - 26:28
  • July 5 - Massapequa Firecracker 5k - 26:42
  • Aug 16 - NYC Half Marathon - 2:07:58
  • Aug 26 - LIRRC Summer Series 5k - 27:32
  • Sept 12 - Ocean to Sound 50M Relay - 5th leg - 55:56
  • Oct 4 - P.O. Gary Farley 5k - 27:16
  • Oct 11 - Get to the Point 5k - 26:46
  • Oct 25 - Totten Trot 5k - 27:09
  • Nov 8 - Blazing Trails 4-Autism 4M - 36:16
  • Nov 15 - Mineola Mustang 5k - 27:34
  • Nov 22 - Great Prostate Cancer Challenge 5k - 27:29 - 3rd in Age
  • Nov 27 - Run Your Turkey Off 4k - 20:56 - 2nd in Age
  • Dec 5 - Seaford Hot Chocolate 5k - 27:15
  • Dec 13 - TRRC Couples Race - 1st leg - 18:21, team: 32:41
  • Dec 19 - Ho Ho Ho Holiday 5k - 28:11
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Where I tell you all about last weekend
Arrgghh! So late with this post. I wanted to write it the same day I came home, but I was tired and I had to unpack and then I was busy the next day, and the next... and you get the idea.

Well, anyway. Last weekend was the Hershey CATS or the Stitching Festival or whatever they're calling it at this particular moment. I drove there on Thursday with Chelly along for the ride and also being my roomie. We both pretty much threw caution to the wind and let our hair loose. I had decided that I was only going to watch my diet so much. I was going to Chocolatetown, USA after all! Here is what we had for lunch on the way down.

We arrived at the Hershey Lodge with just enough time to throw our stuff in our room and hit the merchandise mall to get a lay of the land. My initial impression was not good. It seemed a bit smaller than in previous years and I didn't see anything new that grabbed my attention. Ah well, I was here for rest and relaxation.

Dinner was pizza at the sportsbar in the Lodge. MMMM, that hit the spot!

The next morning, after a short run, I bumped into the rest of the MetroStitchers at the breakfast buffet. Fortified with chocolate pancakes, I ran back to the room to take a quick shower, and came back down to give the Merchandise mall a thorough walk through. Let me just say, I managed to do some financial damage! Stuff just kept leaping into my totebag. It's amazing how small purchases all over the place can add up to so much money.

Friday night, after dinner, the MetroStitchers had our traditional show and tell. This allows everyone the chance to see what we bought and gives us one more day in the mall to pick up those things we didn't notice.

Saturday, Chelly and I hit the outlet mall in town. I found an underwear store where I spent mucho dinero (I have to stay out of the underwear store) We also got matching running outfits for our race on Oct 9.

Sunday, on the way out of Hershey, we stopped at the Gardens for some photo opportunities.

Overall, it was a pretty good weekend. I enjoyed getting to see all my friends and picking up a needle again. I hadn't stitched in quite some time and forgot how much I like it. Will have to make time between everything else going on in my life.

posted by DebbieJRT @ 11:12 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
OK, there's a meme going around, and as I have nothing else interesting to write about, here it is:

1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five/some other people to do the same.

"I managed to keep to my diet at lunch, with a McDonalds grilled chicken Caesar salad, but it pretty much went out the window after that :-)"

I'm tagging Chelly, Jenny, May, Nicole and Marci

I'm off to the Stitching Festival in Hershey, PA! My diet is so going to be forgotten this weekend (sounds familiar)

posted by DebbieJRT @ 2:18 PM   0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mind Games in New York City
I ran the Fitness Magazine Mind Body Spirit Games 4 mile race in Central Park yesterday.

The day started at 6am when I woke up and got dressed. I grabbed a bite to eat and was out the door. First I had to brave the New York City Subway system in the early morning of a weekend, which translates into no trains. Even though the system is 24 hours there are times when it is tough to get a train. Being familiar with this phenomenon, I left plenty of time to get to Columbus Circle where I was meeting Chelly. This was going to be her first race and I had agreed to join her (who are we kidding, I talked her into the whole running thing ;-D ). I was excited to be running in Central Park. I've watched the marathon go through the park since I was a child, but had yet to run there myself.

Chelly pulled up to the curb in a cab right on time. After a little chat and pep talk we headed uptown through the park to the start area. We picked up our numbers, race t-shirts and chips and then wandered around the start area picking up swag. With quite a few large corporate sponsors, there was plenty of stuff to be had. I got a free hat and and a pair of socks. Another sponsor was giving out water bottles and a few had sweepstakes giving away gym memberships and gift baskets loaded with their products.

Shortly before the start, Chelly's running coach from her gym joined us. Clara was going to run with Chelly for support. We had agreed that we would run at our own pace and not feel that we had to stay with each other. I'm glad that Chelly had someone to run with for her first race.

This was a rather large race. I think there were about 3000 runners so they had us gather in groups by our expected running pace. They released each group in stages. This meant that those of us expecting to do a 10 minute or more pace were left standing at the starting line for almost 5 minutes after the start of the race. I stuck with Chelly and Clara for probably the first quarter of a mile and then began to pull away. I was feeling great and had to keep myself from running too fast for the first mile. I managed to hit my Forerunner just shy of the first mile to get a lap time. The first mile was about 10:55. I picked it up after that and got another split at the end of 3 miles of 20:41. At that point, I felt so good that I decided to kick it up another notch and I ran the last mile in 9:23! My official finish time for the race was 44:57 with a net time of 40:47 and a total pace of 10:11 per mile.

I'm very pleased with the results. This is a fairly flat course and it is totally paved. The crowd made it a little difficult to maneuver and I did get stuck behind groups of slower runners a few times.

Chelly has photos up on her blog of our race day. She sent me some and I'm closing this post with one of me lazing with the doggies at FAO Schwartz toy store.

posted by DebbieJRT @ 11:39 AM   1 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2005
For your viewing pleasure
I can't think of anything to post about so I thought I'd leave you with photos of Shannon, the terrier that gives this blog its name.

Stretched out in comfort

Go away you're bugging me.

posted by DebbieJRT @ 8:00 AM   1 comments
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Early morning run
Well, I was out in the park, running, at 8:30 this morning. I decided to do 4.5 miles and headed out with the intention of maintaining an 11:00 minute pace. I have to start pushing myself to get ready for the 4 mile race in two weeks. I felt pretty good. Started out with the Striders but no one was running at my pace, so ended up pretty much by myself. Even with only my thoughts for company, I didn't have any trouble getting past the wall I usually hit at about 2 miles. On my daily runs I usually feel great until that point and then I feel like I don't want to go another step. In a race I don't really get that. I'm not sure why.

Finished the 4.5 miles in 48:59 pace 10:52. Not too shabby. My hope of doing the 4 miles in 40 minutes might be a little optimistic, but I'm not unhappy with my time.

See you out running!

posted by DebbieJRT @ 2:00 PM   1 comments
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Name: DebbieJRT
Home: Bellerose, New York, United States
About Me: crotchety cross stitcher, trying to channel my inner athlete
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